Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.
Psalm 2:8
“Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.”
—John 4:35
Harvest the Nations is an international ministry created out of the deep desire to see every nation, tribe, and tongue touched by the transformative power of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to empower vulnerable, marginalized Christians to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
As an organization, we believe that Jesus desires the nations as His inheritance, and that He invites all believers to enter into this partnership with him, as he completes his earthly ministry through us.
Whether through hands-on, in person ministry or by offering remote support, Harvest the Nations’ seeks to fulfill our role in the Great Commission by evangelizing the lost, empowering Christian leadership, and enriching Christian communities through charitable programs.
Evangelizing the Lost: Ministering the Gospel of Jesus
Harvest the Nations models our ministry after the instructions Jesus gave his disciples in Mark 6:7-13 and Luke 10:1-12. After giving them authority to perform miracles, Jesus divided them into pairs and sent them ahead of him into the surrounding towns and villages. Everywhere they went, they were commanded to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, heal the sick, and drive out evil spirts.
In the same manner, Harvest the Nations seeks to answer the Lord’s mandate to go before him preaching the gospel and performing miracles primarily through crusade-style evangelism. This typically consists of holding services in population centers where the word of God is shared and hands are laid on the sick in the name of Jesus.
Harvest the Nations seeks to serve local pastors and ministry leaders in countries hungry for the word of God. This is accomplished through a network of spirit-filled, servant-hearted leaders, who tirelessly minister to their communities.
At Harvest the Nations, it is our aim to support these local leaders and their ministries as they advance the Kingdom of God in their local communities, and serve as coordinators for our work in their communities. We support them through personal discipleship, teaching the word, financing programs, and aiding in planting churches and ministry schools.
Empowering Leaders: Discipleship & Church Planting
Enriching Communities: Improving the lives of poor and vulnerable Christians
Unlike the freedoms enjoyed here in Western world, the majority Christians throughout the world are struggling with crushing poverty, and political and social injustice. These brothers and sisters have inadequate access to education, sanitation, and governmental advocacy. However, Harvest the Nations, along with our partners and allies, have established various programs to address and alleviate the needs of these marginalized communities.
For more information about specific programs our ministry is sponsoring, please checkout “Our Projects” section.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
404) 542-5546