Crusade Evangelism: Touching the Nations with the Gospel of Jesus
As disciples of Jesus, the Lord commands us to pick up our cross and follow him by denying our life and taking the good news of the kingdom throughout the world, baptizing new believers in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Here at Harvest the Nations, we not only accept Christ’s mandate, but we also draw strength in the belief that as “sent ones” we carry the same authority and instructions that Jesus gave first to the “twelve” in Luke 9, and then the “seventy-two” in Luke 10. We are instructed to go into the cities and towns before him, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, heal the sick, caste out demons, and raise the dead. For as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4:20 “The Kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in Power.”
Here at Harvest the Nations, we have adopted the crusade evangelism model. This consists of special events, opened to the public, where people gather to worship and hear the Gospel preached. Afterwards, those who come seeking healing and deliverance will receive from the Lord. In the life of our ministry, we have witness many new believers coming to Jesus, as well as countless manifestations of the power and authority of Jesus working in peoples bodies.
In our trip to south Asia in 2024, our team was blessed with the opportunity to lay hands on many and watch the lord touch their hearts and heal their bodies.
Some testimonies of our crusades are: the hearing of two deaf girls were restored, a man with a paralyzed hand, two cases of heart problems, a woman who had a sever migraine for at least five years, a boy with a twisted arm that was unable to feed himself, a woman being delivered by a demonic spirit, two men with damaged legs, multiple cases of pain from stomach infections, a man battling symptoms from tuberculosis, baren wombs, and many more.
A Young Woman Receives Her Hearing After Being Born Deaf
In Harvest the Nations 2024 south Asia trip, a special moment was caught on camera of a young lady testifying of Jesus’s healing power. She came up to us at the end of the service. Her mother told the translator that she was born unable to hear, and she suffered from problems with her heart. We prayed for her, commanding her ears to open in the name of Jesus, breaking any curse, and binding any spirit behind her ailment. When the minister was finished, he snapped our fingers beside her head and told the translator to ask if she heard anything. When she said that she did, everyone in the audience began praising God.
The minister then had the translator ask her if she experienced anything in the area of her heart, in which she replied, “yes, there’s no more pain.”