The foundational vision of Harvest the Nations (HTN) is built upon core beliefs which are absolutely sacrosanct and irreplaceable:
God is the absolute sole creator and sustainer of the universe. He alone is omnipotent (all knowing) and omnipresent (present everywhere). He exists in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He alone is worthy of all praise and honor.
Jesus Christ is the only begot son of God. He is not created but has always existed with the Father before the foundation of the Universe. He is fully human as well as fully God. He was born into the world through a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died, and shed his blood for the payment of our sins. Through his redemption we obtain adoption as sons and daughters of God. He was resurrected on the third day, proving he is God. He now sits at the righthand of the father making intercession for all of those who call on his name.
The Holy Spirit is both equally the Father and the Son, but also distinct. There is no lesser Holy Spirit, but every believer has total and full access to the powerful spirit of God that rose Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit dwells inside the believer and becomes one with a believers regenerated spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17 ESV)—distinct yet united in unity.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a subsequent event that takes place separately after water baptism. It empowers the believer with various gifts referred in 1 Corinthians 12, to edify and bless the church, and to equip for ministry. The gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit did not change after the deaths of the original Twelve Apostles, but are still active valid for the church today, and God still calls forth Apostles, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers, and Prophet in our current time.
His Church is both his bodily representative on Earth, and his betrothed bride, awaiting his return to reign with him over the nations in partnership with Jesus
The Bible is the only unchanging, authorities word of God. It is profitable in teaching, rebuking, and spiritually feeding those who have faith in his son, Christ Jesus. Also, God still can speak prophetically to his people today, yet all prophetic words have to align with Holy Scripture and must be abandoned all together if there' is a contradiction with the Holy Spirit.