Stitching Centers: Protecting Christian Girls
Throughout the world, and especially in South Asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, young girls are the most vulnerable members of these societies. From the cradle to the grave, women are viewed not much more than property owned by her father, husband, and in some cases, even strangers.
Although, in these countries, women have nominal protections; however, with minority groups like Christians and Hindus, there are documented cases these girls being abducted, tortured, and raped. Women of these minority religions are supposed to be protected by law equality as women of the majority religion. In all actuality, due to systematic poverty and the threat of persecution, the victims family rarely experiences any justice. In some of these cases, victims are coerced into marriage to their abusers and forced to convert to Islam.
One of the ways that Harvest the Nations has attempted to offer protection to Christian girls is through establishing sewing centers in the heart of Christian neighborhoods. Many of these girls are poorly educated and have little skill to offer to gain good employment. So some of these girls rely on low skill labor as house servants wealthier Muslim household, which puts them in proximity to potential abuse.
By opening a sewing center, vulnerable Christian girls can learn a valuable skill that will not only empower them to help provide for their families, it also removes them from the danger of sexual abuse by allowing them to work in the safety of their own homes. These centers also provides a place where the girls can be spiritually feed by a local pastors and their teachers
Each sewing machine costs approximately $87 US, including desks. In addition, each girl will receive her very own bible so she can experience the love of Jesus first hand through his word. By partnering with our ministry, your prayer and support will help protect these girls and improve their chances for a happy and more fulfilled life.
The First of Many: The Revival Stitch Center
Harvest The Nations would like to thank Restoration House Church in Anderson, South Carolina for sponsoring the first sewing center. In single day, the congregation’s heart was stirred, and they gave cheerfully and abundantly. From their generosity, twelve sewing machines were purchased. This video was made to celebrate the graduation of the center’s first class.